Broadcast Journalism, Video Production and the Grand Challenge of finding the Perfect Internship!...

Mar 22, 2013 by

Ron Weeks taught Communication students about video production and broadcast journalism. I have never really given much thought to the idea of video production, but my mom always was telling me that I should be an anchor woman. I love the camera! When I was 16 my family took a trip to the Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake City, Utah, they were featuring KSL5 News, My cousin and I took a picture pretending to be anchor women. My friend made a comment on the picture expressing how he could totally see me being a broadcaster one day. There are many jobs that the Video Productions industry offers such as; Broadcast station, Corporate video, Government video, web videos and podcasts, Advertisement agencies, Directing, producing, editing, digital graphic design, sound design etc. Broadcasting offers; News Directing,...

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Time: Planning Accordingly

Mar 22, 2013 by

I would like to share an awesome website that I was to read and evaluate for my Communications 100 course. This website is called It’s nearly midnight in Idaho but in Adelaide Australia It’s only 4:30pm! So why should this effect the way we look at business? I have a family member who has lived outside the world for quite some time now, on rare occasions he would call and talk to me while I was visiting some other relatives. He would always call during the day and for him that was an obscure time. timeanddate teaches how to connect with people from across the world at times that are most suitable to both parties. Often, in a profession you may have to communicate with another from across the world, you as a business...

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The Event of Blogging

Mar 22, 2013 by

I started this blog the Summer of 2011, this was my first blog I ever created and I would consider this blog a success. I hope for a lot more traffic in the future. I was able to learn from Lane Williams a that Random blogging can get you a good job if the right people come across the blog. While my blog is not random but rather more geared to what I want in life I still feel that this blog could get me somewhere great if I play my cards right. I promote myself through Facebook and Twitter. I have networked with many Interior Designers and Communication directors through this blog and my twitter account. Every student in my Communications 100 course was required to create a WordPress account, I had an...

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Current Events

Mar 21, 2013 by

We attend school in hopes to receive employment and job opportunities, As John Thompson an Advisor over I-Comm (the University Journalism Department at Brigham Young University Idaho) taught students. He came and taught my class what I-comm has to offer students in the communications program. I-Comm offers media-experience in journalism which include: The Scroll (Brigham Young University Idaho’s Newspaper), Scroll Digital (Universities Digital Newspaper), copy editing, design, photography opportunities, and the ability to deal with sales. The I-comm agency requires entry-level classes in Advertising, Public Relations, Design and Video Productions. I feel comfortable with all these aspects excluding Video Production so that will be something I will need to work on. I have enjoyed writing since a very young age, some pieces of my work I want to share with the whole wide world,...

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QR Codes

Mar 13, 2013 by

For my Communications 100 Class we are looking over several websites and evaluating what these websites can help us with in our Future Careers. The First Website I will be evaluating: From this website you can learn about QR Codes. QR codes are images that can be scanned through a smart phone to have you to a direct link. We are living in a generation where having a smart phone is common. It’s easy to pick up your phone and scan a little picture to get the information you need rather than having to write down and remember a website for later reference. QR is a quick response which is what our society demands. Let us look at how we can give society the quick response they desire. Is there possibly a piece...

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Puzzle Tree

Mar 10, 2013 by

Just Something that I designed that we are not going to use- I figured I put it to use somehow. Fun Abstract Puzzle tree. -Marisa Faye...

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Planning for the Future

Mar 10, 2013 by

I have officially changed my Major to Communications last week! My focus is going to be in Public Relations and I am taking a Unit in Advertising/Marketing. I have been thinking about being an Event Planner for almost a year now, but I still felt like Interior Design needed to be a useful and important aspect in my career. Not to long ago a big Idea hit me; why don’t I become an Event Manager for Interior Design Market Shows? I was able to meet with one of my teachers and he fully supported me in my academic plan, I was advised to go into PR and Advertising/Marketing which was what I was already considering so that’s great! I learned that basically you can work in any area of Interest when you go into PR (so...

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Designing for The Business Expo...

Feb 11, 2013 by

I am currently taking an Events Management class, I think this is what I want to do with my future so I figured I better take the class because I don’t like wasting any time when it comes to my future. I feel the need to test the waters now. I am throughly enjoying the class. My teacher assigned a group of us to coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce to plan and produce the Business Expo this coming April. (Finals week/ move out week it’s going to be a CRAZY week!) With my design experience I was entitled to the position of the group “Designer”. I’m excited to start more design projects soon. The Chamber of Commerce has been producing the Business Expo for quite a few years now and yet they do...

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Shifting directions

Feb 7, 2013 by

    My life officially takes voyage in a different direction. As many of you know my dream in life was to be an Interior Designer, I was going to travel all over the world, marry an architect (ideally haha) and establish a good business. God had a different goal in mind for me. Although I loved loved loved the Interior Design program, I went through all of 2012 really struggling with health issues and many other issues, I was having a hard time keeping up in the program and was not getting the support I know I deserved. I started to feel like maybe Interior Design wasn’t right for me, wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I kept talking myself out of this crazy thought, this was my dream and I wanted...

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Youthful Azure Parlour-Rendered Living room cottage...

Apr 5, 2012 by

The last Rendering for the Semester- The living room from the same floor plan as my “cozy cottage” and a dinning room I designed and rendered in grey (you will get to see a small clip of that rendering in my final project) We were to choose our own furniture and color scheme. This is what I came up with. Samples and a color bar was included in this board. -Marisa Faye...

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