The Pirate and the Ghost

Oct 20, 2011 by

Assignment- Abstract art: Make a pencil drawing from a photograph and simplify the subject matter by leaving out some of the smaller details. In a second drawing flatten the object shapes and simplify their contours so that they are almost abstract in nature. You may sacrifice objective identity to unify the pictorial organization. Use black and white and shades of gray only for your final presentation. Use 11″ X 14″ format. Matt in black. OBJECTIVE:To help the students develop an understanding of shape and how it is used to create form and composition. I was to use the same image from my last assignment (The duck) as my starting point for this project. Along with my Abstract art I was assigned to come up with a story based off of my art and present...

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Line- Duck lines

Oct 6, 2011 by

Assignment: Using a magazine photo as the basis for the Line Problem for this project, reduce the photo to a variety of black and white lines. Objective: To familiarize the student with the basic qualities of line as a design element, and how the use of line can change a realistic image to one that is abstract in quality. To develop an appreciation for abstract as valid design. Orignal Duck: My...

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Symbolic Design

Sep 14, 2011 by

My junior year of high school I was assigned to write a paper about anything that related to the renaissance era. I knew there were many subjects I could have chosen from.  I decided to chose a subject that was a little more difficult to research that I was interested in: Renaissance Jewelry. I was also required to put together a presentation for my paper. I have been making jewelry since I was eight years old so I decided that I was going to make a renaissance styled necklace. I believe this particular piece symbolizes me because of the work that went into the item. I would rather accomplish something difficult that is interesting to me than to do something that is easy and boring for me. I enjoy spending time in my schooling, design...

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Enviormental Autobiography

Sep 7, 2011 by

The Start of My Voyage as an Interior Designer ID Design Basics 101: Environmental Autobiography By: Marisa Reeves When I was a little girl, my mom read me bedtime stories, my favorite was book started out like this, “In an old house in Paris that was cover in vines “(Bemelmans) that’s right, Madeline was my hero. This fictional little girl influenced my life tremendously. I admired Madeline’s strong character, her courage and how fearless she was. I could relate to Madeline because I often felt that I too was, “The smallest one.”  She taught me that even though I’m small I can accomplish big things. Because of Madeline, Paris was also the first foreign place that I had learned about. I learned all about European architecture as well, as I grew older I was...

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My first College Project!

Aug 31, 2011 by

My first college assignment for an Interior Design Class of mine was this, ” Using a pen, draw on an 11×17 piece of copy paper a fork from your kitchen utensil drawer. Line only NO shading.” I am very excited to say that I have fully completed my project before I have even been to school. It is due the first day of class, and I will definitely be prepared. -Marisa Faye...

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My first Competition

Aug 12, 2011 by

I started working on Interior Design projects my Sophomore year of High School. FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America) allowed me to be able to further investigate the life of a Designer. My Dear Friend, Amber Barry and I entered the STAR Events Competition (Students taking action for recognition) in the Interior Design Category. This was my first competition in Interior Design. We learned so much, our teacher, Mrs. Sherman helped us through get through the project. I am so glad to have been a part of FCCLA, honestly it was the best thing I was involved with in High School. I was able to study for my career ahead of me, learned how to be a great leader and also strengthened many of my qualities an Interior Designer must have! We were...

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