Portrait Enhancements

This week we were assigned to take portraits, for a section of the assignment we were to perform photo enhancements, Since I chose to photograph my sisters the enhancements weren’t hard since children don’t have much blemish to their face and also they didn’t seem to show their teeth a lot. My sisters do carry dark circles under their eyes though when they are tired so that’s always something I have to work around with them when we take pictures.
Cocoa Child:
I really my sister Eden’s eyes in this picture, they really stand out. I had to take out some dark circles under her eyes. I darkened her lips and retouched on her skin so she didn’t look so cold. Her eyes were already pretty sharp but I did sharpen them a little bit.
Mommy Duck:
I thought this one was so adorable and it was actually candid, she looked down on her duck I gave her for valentines day all motherly. Again, I took out the dark spots under her eyes, smoothed over her skin to make her look less cold, I blended the eyelid color a little more and darkened her lips. The Background blur came out really nice in this picture, the duck added some really nice contrast. I love her little dimple.
Kids Who Read Together Stay Together:
This is my sister Adalee reading to my sister Eden. Again, I removed dark spots under eyes, reduced pinkness in their cheeks and gave them a little more color to their cheeks. I did brighten the overall picture with layers. This was an easy thing to take pictures of them doing because they were preoccupied that they forgot I was taking pictures. I finished the shoot before they finished the book.
1. Sunday February 9th 2014, Eagle Mountain Utah, 6:23pm, f/5.0, Shutter Speed 1/50sec, Nikon D3100*
2. Sunday February 9th 2014, Eagle Mountain Utah, 6:11pm, f/5.0, Shutter Speed 1/50sec, Nikon D3100*
3. Sunday February 9th 2014, Eagle Mountain Utah, 6:30pm, f/5.4, Shutter Speed 1/50sec, Nikon D3100*
*some of this information may be incorrect, this was the information given to me from Photoshop.
-Marisa Faye Reeves