1920s, Art, Design and Life

My Birthday was just a few weeks ago, to celebrate we went to Park City Utah to do some Window shopping and we hit the town just in time for the Park City Arts Festival! While I was still in the Interior Design Program I had a teacher that would always tell us that everything about us should scream designer, and looking back from the pictures on my birthday, everything about me does! I saw a cute birthday idea on Pinterest for a 30th birthday, the theme was, “Out of the Roaring 20’s” well, I’m not thirty but I have just stepped into my roaring 20’s! I had to dress the part! I made do with a dress I had bought a few days prior and some accessories. I had so much fun at the Arts Festival and a wonderful birthday.
From head to toe I am most certainly a designer! I adapted a 1920’s hairstyle to fit my own hair-type. I have long thick curly hair and I made it work. I’m quite pleased with the outcome.
I did my cousin’s hair as well. Her hair was a little more difficult to work with, I could not perform the hairstyle I wanted to on her hair so I used my problem solving skills and came up with this fabulous Up-do! She looked so adorable. It looks like I accidentally used too much CMYK in a few of these layouts.
Above is some art from the festival. In the top left corner there is a display of silverware jewelry, I even purchased a necklace and ring made out of silverware! There were sidewalk chalk pieces, lovely jewelry boxes and my sister captured a picture of a random minion.
I was able to hit a few of the shops and found some great design! The chandelier on the top left corner was amazing! The fixture was modern industrial but still oh so chic and classy! The next set of lights were decorative but very interesting. The last light fixture has a very industrial military feel to it.
I met an indian, found a really cool mirror and ended up with a funky picture, and took pictures with work from the artists.
The festival was great, my birthday was great!
– The Voyager, The Designer, Marisa Faye Reeves