Your Cup of Tea

Oct 22, 2015 by

This week, in my Vector Graphics class I was assigned to design a website in Illustrator using Vector Graphics from my last assignment.   Sketches: I sketched out ideas of how my website should look using a wireframe layout.       Then I choose two of my sketches and made them into Illustrator wireframes. Designing in Illustrator: After I completed my sketches, I choose a theme for my website. I decided I wanted to go with a tea cup shop. I decided none of my sketches really worked with the theme I chose so I went with an infinite scrolling design. I used the outline of my cups as navigation icons. I used the same fonts as my last tea cup project to create a sense of harmony. My designs were relatively simplistic...

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The Office to Enhancing your Business...

Mar 23, 2013 by

Microsoft Office is a set of commonly used programs that are designed to help communicate with others. We use Microsoft Word to create documents that we can send to others. We use Powerpoint as a way to pitch an idea or create a learning presentation. We use Excel to display data and information. Microsoft Office is a universal program that the majority of todays world are familiar with and use on a regular basis. My teachers, even as I was at a young age, valued the teaching of Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word was the program we used to type up our pieces we had written. I had a teacher that started teaching us in 4th grade how to use Powerpoint, he showed us how to be creative with Powerpoint as well. Microsoft office produces...

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Time: Planning Accordingly

Mar 22, 2013 by

I would like to share an awesome website that I was to read and evaluate for my Communications 100 course. This website is called It’s nearly midnight in Idaho but in Adelaide Australia It’s only 4:30pm! So why should this effect the way we look at business? I have a family member who has lived outside the world for quite some time now, on rare occasions he would call and talk to me while I was visiting some other relatives. He would always call during the day and for him that was an obscure time. timeanddate teaches how to connect with people from across the world at times that are most suitable to both parties. Often, in a profession you may have to communicate with another from across the world, you as a business...

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