Job Searching as a Soon-To-Be Graduate...

Mar 21, 2016 by

18 days! 18 Days until I become a college graduate! It is both the most stressful and most exciting point in my life thus far. I’m excited for endless opportunities for jobs, new places to live, hopefully an apartment to myself in the near future and big girl money. The scary part is I have to wait 18 days and hope it all works out. I can not have most of what I want now, I have to wait. I started job hunting about two months ago. Originally I just began by looking for jobs that directly correlated with what I wanted to do. I want to be an event manager, so I was only looking for jobs that involved events. I found quite a few and applied to a lot of companies I...

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Etsy and Senior Showcase

Mar 19, 2016 by

  This week I had my Senior Showcase. All BYU-Idaho students are required to create a project and show it off at Senior Showcase before graduation. I am happy to say, the project was a success and that I felt confident presenting my senior project. My family and I have made these crazy doodle designs for as long as I can remember. My mom and I have talked about making our designs into fabric design, duvet covers, t-shirts and bags for a few years now. So far I have only been able to figure out T-Shirts and bags. I collected designs from my mom and sisters, fixed those designs up in Illustrator and Photoshop and made them look ready for print. I researched printing costs, but to print in a shop is really expensive...

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Dresses to Impress

Sep 15, 2014 by

My most popular post from and my previous blog address, is “Capturing Life Through Images” the post was made when I took my Intro to Communications course, or Comm 100. I was assigned at that time to write about what I learned in class and apply it to myself. I had a small section in this post that discussed how I created a prom dress out of a wedding dress. This post has gotten the most “Repins”, I’ve gotten attention from professionals and amateurs that share that same love of design I have. I love seeing others appreciate the hard work I have performed. I would like to say thank you to those who have shared my love for design, who have helped me get my name out in this world. I have...

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Keep it Herbal

Mar 6, 2014 by

  For my Art and Propaganda class I was supposed to make a piece of propaganda. I had no idea what to do then, while working on my photo book project, I saw this picture I took and thought of the phrase “Keep it Herbal” my friend and I are seriously considering making this a real business (This is not a real advertisement, please do not count on the library having this tea). We love tea and want to give it a positive image, not all teas are against the Word of Wisdom so we shouldn’t be shunned when we tell people that we love tea.  Students, how many of you would be interested if we started selling tea to university students? -Marisa Faye Reeves  ...

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Past Photos

Jan 16, 2014 by

For my Digital Imaging class our first project was to collect a few pictures I have taken from the past, so here they are: 1.    This picture was taken March 16th 2012 at night time. The picture was taken at City Center in Salt Lake City Utah. The picture was captured with a Kodak Easy-share c195 point and shoot digital camera. The shutter speed was 1/8 of a second and the F-stop was f/3.3. City Creek is one of my very favorite places to take pictures, the overall design concept of City Creek Center is absolutely gorgeous! Image size: 800×1067 pixels. 2.   This photo was taken in the Ricks Gardens at BYU-Idaho when my sisters came for a visit. This image was captured October 11th 2013 at 3:08 pm, shot with a...

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A Brochure about ME!

Dec 7, 2013 by

For my Visual media class I was to design a brochure this is What I came up with: The Front View of My Brochure: This Brochure has 5 different sections, each section has a page that overlaps the previous page just enough so you can see the titles of each section. Here is what a section would look like:   Here is are screenshots of what each category will look like:   This Brochure was created to showcase me 🙂 The Process of this was long, It was difficult for me to figure out how this would print out. I designed this primarily in Indesign, however I did some photo editing in Photoshop- of course. I gathered information, pictures and then designed the layout. I then placed my images and figured out where I...

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School Bound

Sep 5, 2013 by

I move back to school in one week! I can hardly contain my excitement! These past two years have had their challenges and some moments of absolute delight! I’ve had several life changing experiences, I never thought I would be one of those people to ever switch my major, or ever go through a period of time where I was utterly confused about what I was going to do with my life because I’ve always had a plan for myself. I have always been a goal setter, my goals are straight forward and very specific, sometimes they sound unreachable, but I assure you they are not. I have decided that New Years is just plain bad luck for me, I have not had a great New Years Eve since I was 16, It’s not...

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1920s, Art, Design and Life

Aug 24, 2013 by

My Birthday was just a few weeks ago, to celebrate we went to Park City Utah to do some Window shopping and we hit the town just in time for the Park City Arts Festival! While I was still in the Interior Design Program I had a teacher that would always tell us that everything about us should scream designer, and looking back from the pictures on my birthday, everything about me does! I saw a cute birthday idea on Pinterest for a 30th birthday, the theme was, “Out of the Roaring 20’s” well, I’m not thirty but I have just stepped into my roaring 20’s! I had to dress the part! I made do with a dress I had bought a few days prior and some accessories. I had so much fun at...

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Landmarking Logos

Aug 23, 2013 by

Two years ago today I created “Designer’s Voyage” The Voyage truly has been a blessing in my life. The goal for my voyage has not changed from the beginning, however like any voyage there were some unexpected turns and obstacles that crossed my path. I am still an aspiring designer but I am also working towards being an event coordinator for large design events. Through all the mysterious winds in life posting my work, my accomplishments and my life here has been a wonderful confidence booster! Seeing my work come together and being published where others actually admire and read my work is truly exciting for me! Seriously, I get so excited every time I beat my record of viewers here on The Voyage or increase my number of followers. I love hearing from...

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The Camera I finally can call my own!...

May 16, 2013 by

I am so beyond excited that I bought my very first DSLR camera! I have not used an SLR camera since my Senior Year of High School (So about 3 years) and so I have a lot of learning and re-learning to do. I got a Nikon D3100 with two lenses for a screaming deal. Before all of you try to tell me that I should have gotten a Canon, I’ll just tell you I’ve had much more luck with my Nikon cameras than my Canons. I got the D3100 because I am still learning, as I progress in my learning and also earn more money I can buy a better camera. I just wanted to Showcase some of my first pictures I took with my brand new camera! Also a few that my...

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Planning for the Future

Mar 10, 2013 by

I have officially changed my Major to Communications last week! My focus is going to be in Public Relations and I am taking a Unit in Advertising/Marketing. I have been thinking about being an Event Planner for almost a year now, but I still felt like Interior Design needed to be a useful and important aspect in my career. Not to long ago a big Idea hit me; why don’t I become an Event Manager for Interior Design Market Shows? I was able to meet with one of my teachers and he fully supported me in my academic plan, I was advised to go into PR and Advertising/Marketing which was what I was already considering so that’s great! I learned that basically you can work in any area of Interest when you go into PR (so...

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Shifting directions

Feb 7, 2013 by

    My life officially takes voyage in a different direction. As many of you know my dream in life was to be an Interior Designer, I was going to travel all over the world, marry an architect (ideally haha) and establish a good business. God had a different goal in mind for me. Although I loved loved loved the Interior Design program, I went through all of 2012 really struggling with health issues and many other issues, I was having a hard time keeping up in the program and was not getting the support I know I deserved. I started to feel like maybe Interior Design wasn’t right for me, wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I kept talking myself out of this crazy thought, this was my dream and I wanted...

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Symbolic Design

Sep 14, 2011 by

My junior year of high school I was assigned to write a paper about anything that related to the renaissance era. I knew there were many subjects I could have chosen from.  I decided to chose a subject that was a little more difficult to research that I was interested in: Renaissance Jewelry. I was also required to put together a presentation for my paper. I have been making jewelry since I was eight years old so I decided that I was going to make a renaissance styled necklace. I believe this particular piece symbolizes me because of the work that went into the item. I would rather accomplish something difficult that is interesting to me than to do something that is easy and boring for me. I enjoy spending time in my schooling, design...

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Enviormental Autobiography

Sep 7, 2011 by

The Start of My Voyage as an Interior Designer ID Design Basics 101: Environmental Autobiography By: Marisa Reeves When I was a little girl, my mom read me bedtime stories, my favorite was book started out like this, “In an old house in Paris that was cover in vines “(Bemelmans) that’s right, Madeline was my hero. This fictional little girl influenced my life tremendously. I admired Madeline’s strong character, her courage and how fearless she was. I could relate to Madeline because I often felt that I too was, “The smallest one.”  She taught me that even though I’m small I can accomplish big things. Because of Madeline, Paris was also the first foreign place that I had learned about. I learned all about European architecture as well, as I grew older I was...

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Hello world!

Aug 9, 2011 by

I am excited to start an exciting yet competitive career in Interior Design. Here I will share my projects, assignments and accomplishments throughout my design life. I hope many of you will follow my blog and support me in my future. I can’t wait to get started! – Marisa Faye...

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