Priority Modes-Tea Time and Music

Jan 18, 2014 by

Priority Modes-Tea Time and Music

In my Digital imaging class we have started to learn about priority modes, we were assigned to take photos that followed the criteria for a Shallow Focus, a Deep Focus, Frozen Action and Blurred Motion image. There was no editing allowed in this assignment.


Shallow Focus:



F-Stop: f/4.2 Shutter Speed: 1/60sec Camera: Nikon D3100

Rexburg Idaho, Friday January 17th 2014,3:42pm

The mug and the cookie are in focus, the further back each object becomes less in focus.  


Deep Focus:



F-Stop:f/5.3 Shutter Speed:1/30sec  Camera: Nikon D3100 

Manwaring Center, BYU-Idaho, Saturday January 18th 2014 at 3:31pm

The deep focus picture was the most difficult for me, I had trouble finding ideas of what to shoot. This image is probably a little closer than it should be, however the front part of the carpet is in focus as well as the front of the piano and everything else is not in focus. In this particular setting my camera did not have very good results shooting with an f/stop over 5.3.

Frozen Action:



F-stop: f/4.2     Shutter Speed:1/500sec    Camera:Nikon D3100

Rexburg Idaho, Friday January 17th 4:24pm



F-stop: f/4.2 Shutter Speed: 1/500sec Camera: Nikon D3100

Rexburg Idaho, Friday January 17th, 4:24pm

I couldn’t decide which photo I liked more, I had my friend pour a cup of tea (no worries BYU-I friends, I promise it’s herbal.:) ) and I shot the tea pouring out as quickly as I could.



Blurred Motion:

clockF-stop: f/32 Shutter Speed: 5.7seconds Camera: Nikon D3100

Rexburg Idaho, Friday January 17th 2014, 4:41pm

This was the image I suffered the most temptation to edit, The slow shutter speed washed out the photo quite a bit, it’s a quick fix in photoshop but this image remains unedited. The slow shutter speed blurred the second arm on the clock giving the illusion that time is passing by.


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