Home Show

Apr 17, 2013 by

Home Show

While I was out with some friends doing some shopping we noticed that there were people walking around with signs on them advertising a Home Show. My friend and I got very excited about this event, seeing as we both love Interior Design and design of all sorts. We convinced our friend to take us the following day to the Home Show. The Event was on the Madison County Fairgrounds and cost $2 for addmission. All the businesses were looking at us pretty funny probably because we are pretty young college students and neither of us are close to owning a home. We enjoyed looking at flooring, landscaping, paint, clubhouses, etc. We even got super stylish bags ;), We were pretty excited about that.

We were so excited for our friend to take us to the Home Show!

We were so excited for our friend to take us to the Home Show!

On our way we saw a student in his set up for finals week.

On our way we saw a student in his set up for finals week.

Me and some pretty stone landscaping. Plus that awesome bag! :)

Me and some pretty stone landscaping. Plus that awesome bag! 🙂

Checking out some carpet!

Checking out some carpet!

Awesome Retro Bathtub! I would love to own one of these!

Awesome Retro Bathtub! I would love to own one of these!

And What is bathtime without a rubber duck? I found this over by the paint samples. A quirk of mine is a love for rubber ducks (but I don't really bath with them)

And What is bath-time without a rubber duck? I found this over by the paint samples. A quirk of mine is a love for rubber ducks (but I don’t really bath with them). I had to get a picture!

Between doors that were being displayed

Between doors that were being displayed

Clubhouse time!

Clubhouse time!

We had a lot of fun and enjoyed looking at all the products for the home! We also purchased some delicious fudge and brought back free candy for our friend who was generous enough to take us to the event.

-Marisa Faye Reeves








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