My Teacher, Ward Hicks encouraged me to Join PRSSA(Public Relation Skills and Activities). This is an organization designed for students who are interested in Public Relations (Which is my area of study, with my focus on Event Management). PR is designed to enhance writing and editing skills, expand our knowledge of how to resource, be able to be a part of media planning (another area of interest for me) learn the importance of evaluation, be able to strategically think, receive opportunity to program, produce special events etc.
PRSSA helps students find a job or internship, offers awards and scholarship, provides travel opportunities creates affiliation with the PRSA (The non-student version of PRSSA) and offers local chapter activities. For more information you can go to
From Micheal Cannon I learned that PR is also Performance Recognition. Public Relations is a broad area for career options, you are able to go into just about anything such as Advertising, Events (Yay!), Journalism, Media Planning etc.
As I mentioned in an earlier post My teacher said that with PR you can go into just about anything, so I can very well use PR to break into the Interior Design Industry Marketing Interior Design in a newly perceived way.
-Marisa Faye Reeves