Broadcast Journalism, Video Production and the Grand Challenge of finding the Perfect Internship!

Ron Weeks taught Communication students about video production and broadcast journalism. I have never really given much thought to the idea of video production, but my mom always was telling me that I should be an anchor woman. I love the camera! When I was 16 my family took a trip to the Discovery Gateway in Salt Lake City, Utah, they were featuring KSL5 News, My cousin and I took a picture pretending to be anchor women. My friend made a comment on the picture expressing how he could totally see me being a broadcaster one day.
There are many jobs that the Video Productions industry offers such as; Broadcast station, Corporate video, Government video, web videos and podcasts, Advertisement agencies, Directing, producing, editing, digital graphic design, sound design etc.
Broadcasting offers; News Directing, Producing, Editing, reporting, anchoring, writing, videography, backpack journalism, Local TV stations, Radio Stations, News Networks, Cable News and Internet job opportunities.
TV is still the primary source of news. Anyone can go into the film industry, it didn’t use to be this way. A guy from Provo Utah created the Sundance Film Festival in Park City Utah which changed the face of film forever. The Sundance Film Festival allowed for anyone to be a videographer rather than having to break into the industry through a relative.
Internships are important regardless if you go into video production or broadcast journalism or not. An Internship is like a first job, we learned from Weeks that we must treat our first job as Grad School. Your first job most likely will not pay well but you get a lot of great experience!
Brian Howard stressed the importance of internships because college really doesn’t count for much, it’s all about the portfolio and experience that will be the selling point for future employers.
Internships can be found at local TV and Radio stations This would be a good idea for me to get the inside scoop on success and failures of events and gather ideas for my own events I will plan in my future. Internships can be found all over the world, few will be paid and that’s okay. Internships provide networking opportunities and show future employers that you are serious about your career.
Although getting an internship at a local news station might be a great idea for me and I’m sure I would enjoy the events that go along with the internship, my dream internship is to intern for the Las Vegas Market exhibition for Interior Design.
-Marisa Faye Reeves