Youthful Azure Parlour-Rendered Living room cottage...

Apr 5, 2012 by

The last Rendering for the Semester- The living room from the same floor plan as my “cozy cottage” and a dinning room I designed and rendered in grey (you will get to see a small clip of that rendering in my final project) We were to choose our own furniture and color scheme. This is what I came up with. Samples and a color bar was included in this board. -Marisa Faye...

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A light in the Dark Fabric Design...

Dec 6, 2011 by

A Light in the Dark Fabric Design: I was assigned to either design an area rug or a fabric. I chose fabric. My sources of inspiration came from: The floating lanterns because I remembered lighting them off at my dear friend Kylie Mae’s Birthday party. (You may recognize these as the lanterns from the popular Disney movie Tangled). Another source of inspiration came from the rhythmic pattern of a simple city scape. As lanterns ascend to the sky they appear to be smaller and smaller as they float away. I created a pattern where the motif that appears to be a lantern starts at a very large size and decreases in size as it works its way up the fabric. Eventually they get big again and the process starts over again. The color palettes...

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